August 21, 2009

The Precipice

I stood on the precipice looking down at the dark silent sea miles beneath me. One more step and I would be inside its darkness, embracing the huge nothingness that would surround me. The best part was I knew the choices that I had made to lead me to this point in my life. I knew everything. I was aware and yet I had chosen agony over ecstasy.

Pride was not there the night I walked over to the cliff. In some distant land he was fighting the dragons. Physically being over two hands taller than I will ever be he had the power to drag me back to my senses. But tonight, I was alone.

Within me constantly a war rages on, between desires, reality, and future. All three want to exert their supremacy while I am torn apart. I decided to walk. Suddenly Halo appeared over the horizon. He looked at me and said, “Don’t do it. You’ll only hurt yourself.” But, all was in vain. He vanished.

I called upon Nand Gate. That’s funny, isn’t it? It adds up the bad parts in your life and negates the entire sum. Nand asked me to input what I felt and showed me the output. Life was just a bunch of logical choices.

I walked. But instead of hitting the sea, I just fell a couple of meters in soft sands. It hurt a little. Nothing great. I heard soft sounds of laughter. Halo and Nand were laughing. Between them, they had made the sea of pain retreat. They had saved me once again from myself.

Hooves could be heard in the dead of the night. Pride was returning back hurt but alive. And pride, I knew could pull me up to my feet again.

The soft sands reminded me of the feather beds of my childhood. I closed my eyes and waited. Waited to feel alive again.


Meow said...

*Sighs* and *Silent Smile* :)

Krishna Sweta said...

Thank you, for this madhurjya.

wnwek said...

I called upon Nand Gate. That’s funny, isn’t it? It adds up the bad parts in your life and negates the entire sum. Nand asked me to input what I felt and showed me the output.

Oh, wow! I never got philosophical about digital circuits, but now... for the past hour, I have been breaking my head over the other gates, and nothing so sweet as this flows.